Mrs. Alexandra Frech
School Librarian & Media Specialist
Welcome to the Padua Franciscan High School Library, where students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to research, study, create, collaborate, and share.
Our library is a central learning hub used before, during & after school for a variety of independent, group, and classroom activities. The Padua Library strives to ensure both academic and personal success by providing current and quality print, e-, and digital resources that will enrich, supplement, and support the curriculum as well as meet the educational, informational, and recreational needs and interests of all individuals.
The Padua Library is here to support the school community, so all are encouraged to take advantage of the abundant resources offered on-campus and online, and an M.L.I.S. certified school librarian is always available for assistance: afrech@paduafranciscan.net.
Monday thru Thursday: 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Note: Students will be notified when the Padua Library is closed due to testing/meetings/scheduled events/etc.
School Librarian & Media Specialist
3rd Floor (accessible by either middle stairwell)
Databases & Homework Help
Destiny (Padua’s Library Catalog)
Nonfiction & Reference Resources | Printing (b&w and color) |
Fiction (Classified by Genre) | Project Assistance |
Readers Advisory | Test Prep Resources (ACT, SAT, AP, etc.) |
Databases (Provided by Padua & Free Access) | Relaxation/Decompression Area |
LibGuides (General Help & Class Assignments) | Board Games / Coloring / Stress Relievers |
Database & LibGuide Assistance | Meeting Space for Clubs |
Turnitin.com Assistance | Area for Filming/Projects |
Meeting Space for Classes, Clubs, Events, etc. | Tutoring Space |
Designated Area for Independent/Quiet Work | Lounge Areas |
Designated Area for Collaboration | And more… |
Students are permitted to use the Padua Library before and after school, as well as during Study Halls, with the exception of those during lunch periods. Students are also permitted to Print & Go when they have time or when a teacher issues a pass. In addition, teachers often schedule time to bring up classes for special projects, research lessons, etc.
Black & White Printing = Free
Color Printing = Free for required school assignments / 15¢ per page (in change) for personal use
Students are permitted to browse books before or after school during posted hours as well as specified Study Halls when permitted. Students may check out materials for a 3-week period (longer periods are given for class assignments). Borrowed materials must be returned by the DUE DATE listed in back of the book or they are considered late and may accrue a fine…or…students may renew materials (see below). Lost books and/or books that are not returned by the last day of classes will be charged a replacement fee.
As long as a book is not on hold for someone else, students may renew any materials checked out to them for additional time. Students may renew by emailing afrech@paduafranciscan.net OR by stopping up to the Library (it is not necessary to bring the book). Typically, materials can be renewed thru May. Lost books and/or books that are not returned by the last day of classes in May will be charged a replacement fee.
Some of Padua’s resources, such as specific databases, will most likely require sign-in credentials, particularly when off-campus. Students can find usernames/passwords required for Padua’s subscription databases along with SORA (audio & e-materials) and links to other offered online services via MyPad > Groups > Padua Library > Bulletin Board > Quick Links > Passwords & Usernames, etc.
While the librarian is always available to help students/faculty/staff via email or in-person, the Padua Library also provides many digital resources (databases, LibGuides, etc.) that are accessible online, regardless of location (see Links to Frequently Accessed Student Resources above). If you need additional assistance or have specific questions, email your school librarian: afrech@paduafranciscan.net.