Thank you to the dozens of students, parents, alumni and faculty/staff who helped TRANSFORM the lives of hundreds of people by donating to our first collection for St. Herman's House of Hospitality during this time of need. Together we collected over 100 protective home-made masks, 100 notes of hope and 150 boxes of granola bars in April. Our next collection will be on Wednesday, May 13th from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Padua's Main Entrance.
Everyone in the Padua community (students, employees, family, alumni and friends) is welcome to live the Gospel through some service opportunities at home. Here are three ways to help:
Write Messages of Hope
Design some nice handmade cards or index-card sized messages of faith, hope, and love from the Padua community. The men and women on the streets really appreciate our thoughts, prayers, and good wishes. Make one or make a dozen. Do whatever you can.
Make/Sew Face Masks
The CDC has recommended that all people, including the poor and vulnerable, wear masks to protect themselves from getting or spreading the virus. Pull out your sewing kits and fabric. Look up some ways to make them WITH and WITHOUT sewing. You can look at these sites or find others that suit your talents and gifts. Make one mask or whatever you can.
Donate Boxes of Granola Bars
Donate grab-n-go items like breakfast bars that are easy to distribute to those who are hungry and in need. One or two boxes help or whatever you can spare.
1. Put each face mask in its own ziplock bag and seal it.
2. Put any/every card you make in ONE ziplock bag (all cards in one - they need not be separated) and seal it.
3. Bring these Ziplock bags of your donated items to our school on Wednesday, May 13th between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m.
4. These items will be placed in Rubbermaid containers - keeping a 6 foot+ distance from anyone else around.
5. Drive by the front doors of Padua Franciscan High School. Drop off your bags of goods and keep on rolling.
6. Those containers of donated supplies will sit idle for 72+ hours (as recommended by the CDC) before being delivered to St. Herman's House of Hospitality and other great causes.
Every item you help out with will go to the poor and homeless in our community at St. Herman's House of Hospitality.
Questions? Contact Mr. Tim Evans, Assistant Campus Minister at