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Bruin Benefit Raises Record-Breaking $291,000

The 26th annual Bruin Benefit dinner and auction raised a record-breaking $291,000 on Saturday, April 28, 2018. The evening brought many Padua supporters together to celebrate and continue to support the mission, all while having fun and enjoying each other’s company.

Padua students greeted more than 300 guests, and for the first time, helped with mobile bidding on more than 50 items throughout the silent auction.

The live auction featured 12 items, including a trip to Ireland donated by Encompass the World Travel and the Coyle Family, a live painting of the Bruin Benefit event and the ever popular seven-course feast catered by Chefs Fr. Allan DaCorte, ofm and Principal David Stec.

During this year’s Fund-A-Bruin portion of the live auction, Padua raised over $134,750 to support the mission of the school.

Guests enjoyed cocktails and a delicious dinner while watching Padua’s Fine Arts students perform one scene from the 30th Spring Musical, The Phantom of the Opera.

Guests capped off the evening at the coffee bar with liqueurs, homemade Italian cookies and chocolates donated by Padua’s faculty and staff.

Thank you to the Benefit Committee, the countless volunteers, in addition to the sponsors, donors and guests who made the evening a success. The proceeds from the Benefit will be used to keep Padua’s tuition affordable for our families.

Please mark your calendar for next year’s Bruin Benefit on Saturday, April 27, 2019 and stay tuned for details on another exciting event!