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Summer Experience 2023

Over 120 rising fourth through sixth graders joined us for our annual Padua Summer Experience from June 5-9, 2023. Bruno also stopped by to welcome campers to Padua and wish them a fun week. Campers took classes like Crafts & Slime, Robotics, Cooking, Fun with Art, and Video Game Creation. They switched classes like a Padua school day and they learned new things from Padua teachers and students. Highlights, according to the campers, were the smores in Cooking class, making slime in Crafts & Slime, perler bead creations in Fun with Art, and getting to explore the school like a real Padua student. Some campers even made new friends! We enjoyed spending time with future Bruins and look forward to camp next year – June 10-14, 2024!