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Howley Foundation Awards Scholarships to Several Bruins

Padua Franciscan welcomed Lorie Howley, PJ Reindel and Allison Busser to meet with our Howley Scholarship recipients from the Class of 2025, 2026 and 2027 on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Mrs. Howley, Mr. Reindel and Ms. Busser reminded our scholars that they were chosen due to their academic and leadership abilities. Our students shared what makes Padua special and how they are transforming into well-rounded Bruins.

The Howley Scholars Program offers awards that total $18,000 for each student ($4,500 scholarships renewable for all four years of high school at Padua) and will help ensure that these families have the necessary financial resources to receive a premier, Franciscan, college preparatory education.

Each Howley Scholar has to maintain a (minimum) 3.0 grade point average, participate in and meaningfully contribute to extracurricular activities, and maintain good standing with Padua.

About The Howley Foundation

Started by Nick and Lorie Howley in 2003, The Howley Foundation was founded to award academic scholarships and provide tuition assistance to students.  In addition to supporting the Cristo Rey Network and other uniquely effective education models, The Foundation currently assists more than 700 elementary, high school, and college students in Cleveland and Philadelphia. They primarily provide four-year high school scholarships and fund meaningful programs at elementary schools serving underprivileged students. They have recently begun to fund college and university scholarships. Believing that a strong education is essential to becoming a productive and independent adult, the Howley family developed their Foundation to respond to the needs of underserved students in search of a strong education.